Message to our valued Partners

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On behalf of everyone at Saudi Xerox, I’m writing to inform you of the actions we’re taking to ensure business continuity as we continue to closely monitor and respond to the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in line with the government directives. Our number one priority always is the health and safety of our employees, clients, partners, and their families.
Saudi Xerox established a “Response Team “that meets regularly to monitor developments and closely follow the guidance and advisories from government and ministry of health and have taken a range of actions, including but not limited to:
- Closely working in line with the Ministry Of Health in efforts to raise awareness and promote preventive measures using all Saudi Xerox media channels.
- Educating all employees about the virus
- Encouraging employees to work from home if they can
- Sharing resources and guidance on how to contain the virus
- Increasing and expanding cleaning of facilities
- Freezing all business travel and events
- Establishing a comprehensive visitor screening process
- Making sure all are deliveries well sanitized
- Requiring employees exhibiting any symptoms to stay at home and contact the Ministry Of Health for quarantine purposes.
During this time, we understand you may not want visitors at your workplace, therefore our workforce, along with the cloud-based productivity tools we use, have done their utmost to ensure that it’s “business as usual,” and I hope you haven’t noticed any change in the quality or promptness of our responses. We encourage you to use our online tools at and use our remote support options where you get live support over the phone.
We recognize there are a lot of questions, and that answers may continually change as the situation evolves. If you have any questions, please reach us out at
We hope that this situation will resolve soon. And as always, thank you for allowing us to work with and support you.
Mehmet Sezer
General Manager